The Village Hall is situated in Chapel Lane, off Main Street. There is no parking in Chapel Lane itself but cars can be brought up the Lane to drop passengers off and can be parked on Main Street.
Further information about the history of the hall can be found on the Charney History website.
The Hall may be hired by residents of the village and by groups or organisations based within Charney Bassett at a rate of £10.00 per hour.
A Hall booking and conditions of use form (PDF) is available online.
Charney Hall and Field Trust operates a strict no smoking policy and adherence to this is part of the booking and use conditions. Hiring includes full use of the kitchen facilities.
Residents may also arrange to borrow tables, chairs, crockery or the urn from the Hall. There is no set charge for use of these items but CHAFT would be grateful for a donation. An Equipment Loan Form (PDF) is available online.
CHAFT also owns some large garden gazebos (10m x 3m). These are available to residents for use within Charney Bassett only. Again there is no set charge for the use of these but CHAFT would be grateful for a donation.
For further information, please contact the Bookings Secretary, Linda Ritchie